Tag Archives: infrared

Lake Wakatipu – Queenstown, NZ

Lake Wakatipu – Queenstown, NZ, originally uploaded by jezza323.

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On the 26th of June 2010, I was married to my lovely wife, Kim. On the 27th of June, we jumped a plane across the ditch to New Zealand for our honeymoon. We chose Queenstown as our destination and it was amazing. I took about 10gb of photos all up, and had a great time. This is one of my favourites.

This is taken with my Pentax K200D, my recently acquired Sigma 10-20mm f4.0-5.6, my Slik 500DX Pro tripod, a remote cable release and a cheap Citiwide branded 77mm Infrared 720nm filter. It was processed in Lightroom 3 and came out with some really great contrast.

Let me know what you think

Hillside Sunset

Hillside Sunset
Originally uploaded by jezza323

This is the 2nd shot processed from my camping weekend. It is a Hoya R72 infrared shot on my K200D body, with the kit 18-55 lens.

I took this from our campsite, looking over the neighbouring paddock as the sun set. I first took a couple of shots with a 30 sec shutter speed to get the exposure correct. I then adjusted the aperture and calculated the shutter speed that would be required to maintain the same exposure level, set the camera on bulb and took the shot.

This shot was a 134 sec exposure time, i was aiming for around 2 mins, but i lost count near the end, but it still came out fine. It was shot at f13.0, ISO 100.

It was processed in Lightroom 2.5, cropped to 16×9 and straightened slightly (i used the trees as a guide for where up is), white balance adjustment, converted to greyscale and had a contrast adjustment.

Sun on the Rocks and Trees

Sun on the Rocks and Trees
Originally uploaded by jezza323

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3rd of the infrared shots from Sundays photo trip. This is with the sun to my back, coming up over the hill behind me. Looking out at the dead trees across Lake Moogerah. It took me about 3 goes to get the exposure right on this but it was worth it, although i was getting a bit worried the sun would come over the top of the hill and ruin it before i got it

This is probably the best shot of the day, at least i think so!

I took this with the Pentax K200D, Pentax SMC DA 18-55 AL II kit lens, Slik 500DX Pro tripod, remote cable release and of course the Hoya R72 infrared filter.

Processed in Lightroom 2.5, cropped, white balance adjustment and greyscale conversion. Also a slight bump in contrast.

A Roll In A Field

A Roll In A Field
Originally uploaded by jezza323

My friend and i spotted this paddock of hay bales on the side of the highway on the way back from our early morning shoot at Lake Moogerah. I’ve always wanted to shoot something like this, so it was great to get the opportunity.

Taken with the Pentax K200D, Pentax SMC DA 18-55 AL II lens, Hoya R72 filter and Slik 500DX Pro tripod. I handheld the shutter on this bulb, almost 3 mins!

Processed in Lightroom 2.5, adjusted white balanced, converted to greyscale, and minor contrast adjustment.

The Sun is Coming

The Sun is Coming
Originally uploaded by jezza323

The first of many shots I will be posting from my Sunday morning trip to Lake Moogerah for sunrise. This was a 71 sec exposure, taken pre-sunrise, using the Pentax K200D, Pentax SMC DA 18-55 AL II, Hoya R72 infrared filter and Slik 500DX Pro tripod.

It was shot in RAW (PEF) and I processed it using Lightroom 2.5, changed white balance (need to for infrared shots), and converted to greyscale, that was about all!

Lake Moogerah Sunrise in IR

Lake Moogerah Sunrise R72
Originally uploaded by jezza323

Here is another case of using my Hoya R72 infrared filter for a daytime long exposure black and white shot. This was shortly after sunrise during my camping trip to Lake Moogerah a few weeks back.

The long exposure gives the clouds the nice blanket effect, and the patch of sunlight gives a nice IR effect, but the lack of light on the hills/mountains means they do appear a bit flat.

Wellington Point Pier – Hoya R72

Wellington Point Pier
Originally uploaded by jezza323

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Wellington Point Pier at sunrise while the sun was behind a large bank of clouds.

Single exposure taken at 18mm with the Pentax K200D and Pentax SMC DA 18-55 AL II lens. Shot at f8.0, 30 sec, ISO 200.

This shot is Infrared, shot using a Hoya R72 filter. All editing done in Lightroom 2.5 (clarity, blacks, white balance, greyscale, contrast)

I really like the extra contrast you get with the R72 filter. The required long exposure didnt hurt the smoothness of the water either

More Digital Infrared (IR) Photography

Mt Cootha Sunrise in IR
Originally uploaded by jezza323

Here is another shot I took recently with my R72 type filter. In this case I used a Hoya R72 filter mounted to my Pentax K200D & Pentax SMC DA 18-55 AL II combo.

This shot was processed entirely in Lightroom 2.5 (no photoshop trickery going on here!). You can see here the effect quite well, the sky is nice and dark, while the trees are a bit brighter than they would otherwise be. If you compare closely to the image below you can see the difference quite well. The general contrast is also much stronger.

This is the same shot, but taken without an IR filter, just converted to greyscale in Lightroom.
And here is the IR shot in colour (with corrected White Balance and Exposure in Lightroom 2.5). This is what was coverted to greyscale to get the IR image above.

Infrared Digital Photography with an R72 Filter

Botanic Gardens in IR
Originally uploaded by jezza323

This shot is from me playing around with an IR 720nm filter. This type of filter blocks all light below the 720nm wavelength. This means some reds, and infrared are the only light which can pass through. By using 1 of these filters on your camera, you will get some interesting results.

Unfortunately most modern cameras have an IR reduction filter mounted to the front of the sensor, which means that blocking visible light will result in very long exposures being required. This particular shot was taken in broad daylight, at f11.0, ISO 200 and required a 30 second shutter speed! 30 secs in broad daylight is quite a lot. A typical exposure in this situation would be around about 1/400 sec!

The main features of IR photography are black skies, and white leaves on trees and grass. This results in cool contrasty shots where things are just a little different to the norm.