Tag Archives: Canadian Falls

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls, originally uploaded by jezza323.

A close up shot of the Horseshoe (Canadian) Falls at Niagara Falls. You can really see the power of the water here!

I went for an early morning walk on our last day (Victoria Day) while there were not too many people about. It was a beautiful clear sunny morning, but the spray was quite intense, and the harsh light made for difficult shooting conditions. I walked up to the falls, then took this shot on the way back.

This was a single exposure, taken with my Pentax K200D and Tamron 17-50mm len with a Kenko Pro-Digital CPL filter fitted. All editing (levels and tiny straighten) were done in Lightoom 3.

Horseshoe falls, Niagara

Horseshoe falls, Niagara, originally uploaded by jezza323.

I was lucky enough to be able to spend the Victoria Day long weekend down at Niagara. The weather for the weekend was great! And the falls and the parkland around them was beautiful. On Sunday I did a wine tour, and had my first ever taste of Ice Wine, followed by quite a few more tastes of Ice Wine soon after.

This shot is the Canadian Falls (Horseshoe Falls) taken from the Canadian side of the river. I took this one early on Monday morning (Victoria Day) before there were too many people around.

The amount of spray coming off the falls makes it very hard to get a good photo of it, but I think the spray in itself is a good subject, as seen here.

This is a single shot, taken with a Pentax K200D and a Sigma 10-20mm f4.0-5.6 with a Kenko 77mm CPL filter fitted. I cropped and adjusted the levels of the image in Lightroom.